Thursday, September 21, 2006

Not blogged for ages... Update!

Well, it’s been ages since I last posted – a mixture of not much going on in the garden, stuff going on elsewhere, and me being lazy! So here’s a quick update of the non-gardening stuff – I went to see Robbie Williams at Roundhay Park, Leeds on September 8th and it was FAB! Click the link to the right to see some pics. Saw my bro and his girlfriend yesterday with their dog Ayesha, she’s a cutie… The last time I saw her she was the size of my trainer – look at her now!

I’ve also been doing a bit of running and entered my first race of the year with my friend Andrea – Blackpool Beach 10k. It was actually shortened on the day to 5miles due to “adverse weather condition”, i.e. wind! What can you expect on the sea front? Here’s us running!

At the start...

Yes, we're at the back!

With our T-shirts!

Okay, so now for the gardening. Not heard from the allotment man and I know it’s early days but thought I might ring up at the beginning of October if only to see whether I’ve been added to the list and how near the top/bottom I am. In my garden I have had some firsts…

First set of aubergine flowers…

Then my first aubergine! I know it’s really late in the season for this to be starting, but I only sowed in May! See how it’s growing…

And here’s my ‘first’ pepper – bigger now! And turning red too!

My first ever strawberry! It’s an alpine variety, Mignonette – my parents were round the day I found it, so it got cut into four and we all had a tiny sliver each! Yum!

And my first passionflower, it really is beautiful! It has had buds for quite a while now, and I just happened to glance over at it today, as I wasn’t doing any work in the garden, and saw this…

I also have a new project in the garden. I was mowing the lawn last week and due to a combination of lots of wet weather, and my laziness (again!) it hadn’t been mown for a while, so was quite long. Anyway, I decided to leave a section long, to have as a “wild” section to hopefully attract some creatures into the garden. I know there is a bat that lives nearby because I’ve seen it swooping over in the evenings, so it would be nice to attract some nice creepy crawlies for it to eat! I plan to sow some wild flower seeds there so it is a bit meadow-like. Watch this space!

Everything else is still ticking over nicely – getting some lovely tomatoes that my bananas are helping along to ripeness! I made a tomato sauce for pasta tonight and didn’t use tinned tomatoes – it was the best! I hope the rest all turn red so I can make more sauce to store. The Cayenne chillies still have loads of chillis on them – here’s the littlest hobo…

The other varieties that I started late seem to be a bit stunted and I haven’t got any buds on them. I guess that might be as far as they go this year, but I could always overwinter them indoors and give them a nice early start next year.

In the next month or so I hope to start a plan for next year – I’ve bought some seeds already from the T&M sale, but have just received the catalogue in the post and I can feel another spend coming on! I really hope that I’ll have an allotment next year, when I rang up to enquire about plots I was told that there were only three people on the list and they were likely to be getting their plots in the next month or so once they had had time to tidy them up and sort out which ones were free. So fingers crossed!