Friday, November 24, 2006

Allotment may be closer...?

Okay, so still not much gardening news to report back - although I did ring the allotment man yesterday and he said that he will ring me at the weekend when he has had chance to look at the list so he can tell me whereabouts I am on it. Hopefully I am near the top!
I have mostly cleared all the pots in my garden now, just a few peppers and chillis remain, and my one and only aubergine which I will be eating soon. Still got some bulbs left to plant - I put some tulips in at the end of October and I have some more to go in and also some snowdrops, which I am thinking I might put some on the edge of my "wild" area of the grass. ALso will put some in pots to have around the front of the house. We have some bulbs on the windowsill at work - dwarf daffs and tulips and large flowering crocus. They came from Morissons in super-cute little wooden pots that just look lovely on the sill. I'll try to remember to bring my camera in to work to take a pic of them. Although they've not sprouted yet so maybe I'll wait til then to make the pic more interesting!
Some other news - went to see The Feeling last Friday in Liverpool and they were FAB, and I'm going to see the Zutons tonight in Manchester. Can't wait, except I'm totally knackered cos I stayed up late last night making seed packets to do swaps with the nice people from A4A. Oh well, I'm sure I will overcome my tiredness when I get there!
That's all for now, will try to post some pics from the gigs, if any of them are good enough.
OH YEAH! Me and my mum have entered the Moonlight Walk, a ladies only half marathon that sets off at midnight! It's not tilnext June, but I've set up a sponsorship website if anyone fancies donating a few quid? Very worthy cause, check out my "Moonlight Walk" link to the left over there...