Friday, August 18, 2006

Exciting news!

Well, I have sent off my application for an allotment! Whoop whoop! The guy said there is only a short waiting list, of about three months so fingers crossed I might have one before the year is out!

Also exciting stuff happening in the garden - my toms are ripening!

My costulotu fiorentino - am pleased with these as they were seeds given to me by my OH's mum who had no luck with them last year, and these have worked! Yippee! I've picked these two now and given them to her, hopefully they are tasty! I'm sure she'll tell me if they're not!

My alicante - this is the first one I started with and they're looking good! Am saving them until the weekend when my friends are coming round for a barbie, and I think we'll have them on a salad. Yum!

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