Friday, February 23, 2007

Quick update...

Okay, so I've just had a mini splurge as I had a bit of spare cash to blow! Popped into InStore and bought:-
- a rake £3.99
- a hand fork and a transplanter/trowel £1.99 each
- a mini greenhouse £9.95!
Almost bought the hoe but it was as blunt as Jade Goody and just as thick, so decided against it.

Seedling update - my marigolds have sprouted already, been up for about three days now. Nothing else up yet but it hasn't even been a week yet! Sooo impatient! Don't think I mentioned which seeds I'd sowed... carrots (baby "Ideal"), parsnips "Gladiator", onions "Bedfordshire Champion", leeks, spring onions "White Lisbon", marigolds, and snapdragons "Brighton Rock".

Will post a pic of the new "greenhouse" when I have constructed it!

Oh yeah, the search for material to build a shed and bed borders with is going full steam ahead. I have been offered some doors which I'm due to collect this weekend, some joists, some concrete flags and as many old bricks as I can fit in my car! Woohoo!

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