Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Seedlings are sprouting!

Okay, so now all the seedlings have sprouted, with the exception of the parsnips which I know I need to be a bit more patient for. But I can cope with that as I have the other ones to look at every 2 minutes to check for progress! Will post a pic soon. Also, I had a catalogue from T&M sent to me in January with a £5 off voucher and also an offer of 2 free packets of seeds of my choice. As I obviously need MORE seeds, I ordered some. Was good though, I got £20 pounds worth of seeds for just £3 something! The two free packets were £4.99 each so thats £10 saved straight away! Brill!
Anyway, I have a day off tomorrow, so hopefully the weather will be okay for me to go and do some more grass clearing, but it is wild at the moment with wind and rain, so it's not looking good. Oh well, we shall see what tomorrow brings...

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