Friday, July 28, 2006

They call him the wanderer....

I found this little fella on my front garden the other night, poor little thing. He'd actually been spotted a few days earlier by my OH, at about 6 in the morning (I'd actually dismissed it as an early morning hallucination when he told me he'd seen a black and white rabbit outside the house!) so he's been out for a while. After consulting a bunny owning friend, I have put out food and water to see if I can get him to come back to the house in the hope that I might be able to catch him and keep him safe in the back garden until we can find out where he belongs. I have rabbit friendly catching equipment by the front door in case he comes a-wandering again!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Thank you eBay! Now I have my own camera!

So I will be able to do lots of updates without having to rely on my unreliable Dad to bring his camera when he comes to visit! Here goes...

Here is my sweet pepper, on the 24th July - see how much it's grown!

Also my beefsteak toms are doing well, here is the biggest...

My OH's mum gave me the seeds for these, she grew them last year but couldn't get them to ripen so they ended up all rotting away. Hopefully mine will be okay, I'm looking forward to eating them.

Also some fennel, looks like it might be ready soon!

A bee in my courgettes!

Getting the work done...

My okra - another donation from the lovely people of a4a... I think mine are a little slow and they also seem to have come to a standstill with no new leaves having grown for a while.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Quick update (borrowed a digi-cam!)

Okay, so this morning I went and took some pictures of my plants and here they are....! (Please no comments about the dodgy lawn!!!)

In their entirety - funny where they came from when I only started with a couple of chillies and tomatoes!

I was given some seeds for beefsteak tomatoes, Costulotu Fiorentino, by my OH's mum - she hadn't had much joy with them last year so gave them to me (thanks, I think!?!). I have about six of these and they are all doing pretty well. Here is one of the toms off the CF, probably the biggest I've got so far but the others aren't far behind!

This is one of the originals! Cayenne chilli with about fifteen chillies on - have eaten a couple from it and they were pretty hot! Also have one of these growing in the office at work and the chillies on that one have turned a lovely red - will try to post pic soon.

Some other chillies I also have on the go are Tropical Heat, Inferno, Tabasco and a couple of others (can't remember the names!)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Welcome to my Kitchen Garden

Here's my kitchen garden just after it started off in March this year (2006). It all began when decided I would have a go at growing tomatoes and chillies, and then there was no stopping me! I now have loads more stuff, and while I do not have an allotment, and am not "allowed" to dig up the lawn, I have been doing quite well growing things in pots in the back garden. So here's where I'm going to share it all with the world!

Here's two pots of Chanteray Red Cored carrots that I thought I would have a go at....

And here's how they turned out...........

.... they were yummy!

I also have some courgettes, Orelia and Zucchini (Orelia pictured)

I enjoyed them too!

I'm also growing tomatoes (Alicante and Costulotu Fiorentino - and recently started off some Golden Sunrise too) and took some into the office at work too, cos it gets loads of sunlight through the huge windows - making us suffer now in these heatwaves! But the tomatoes love it. They were first to show, my ones at home in the garden are still only small and green.

Here's the office tomato when it was small and green, as soon as I get my own digital camera all the pics will be updated!