Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Thank you eBay! Now I have my own camera!

So I will be able to do lots of updates without having to rely on my unreliable Dad to bring his camera when he comes to visit! Here goes...

Here is my sweet pepper, on the 24th July - see how much it's grown!

Also my beefsteak toms are doing well, here is the biggest...

My OH's mum gave me the seeds for these, she grew them last year but couldn't get them to ripen so they ended up all rotting away. Hopefully mine will be okay, I'm looking forward to eating them.

Also some fennel, looks like it might be ready soon!

A bee in my courgettes!

Getting the work done...

My okra - another donation from the lovely people of a4a... I think mine are a little slow and they also seem to have come to a standstill with no new leaves having grown for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done Nina....I am in the process of sourcing materials for your "allotment shed"